Michelle Reis/Michelle Lee Kar-yan
Born 6/20/70
Good lord, Michelle Reis is gorgeous. Every
time I see her in a film and the camera swoops in for a ravishing close
up I think for a second that this has got to have one of the most beautiful
faces in the world. It is elegant, classy and refined – yet it still is
a pooky kind of face - not at all cold or remote. She is like a tall, slender
drink of champagne tickling your nose. And talking about noses – Michelle
does have a long thin one that I quite like – it sets off the beauty of
her face – and is a slight needed imperfection on an otherwise perfect
face – but in the hands of Wong Kar-wai in Fallen Angels it does become
an object of amusement at times as the super-wide angle lens of Christopher
Doyle’s camera ended up exaggerating it enormously and famously, in Doyle’s
words, made her look like Pinochio!
I find it difficult to judge how good an actress
Michelle is. Too often she allows herself to be cast in films in which
she is able to glide through the film only on her beauty and lovely pout
and doesn’t really have to act at all. There have been a few occasions
though in which I was quite impressed with her acting – she tends to rise
to a challenging role – but has had too few of them in her career.
She was brought up on the island of Macau – the
child of a Portuguese father and a Chinese mother. In 1988 Michelle was
the winner of the Miss Hong Kong contest – and as is the custom began working
at TVB. Her film debut was in 1990 – Declaration of Help – and she very
quickly went on to make other films – some of them absolute classics.
In this same year she was Joey Wong’s sister in
A Chinese Ghost Story II and the streetwise tough beauty in Perfect Girls.
Two years later she looked lovely in A Kid from Tibet and sultry in Wicked
City. Her full-mouthed looks in Wicked City were just right for that anime
inspired film. Other popular films followed – Royal Tramp II, Swordsman
II (she replaced Cecilia Yip in the Kiddo role -- on a trivia note, Michelle
Reis has named her Swordsman II co-star, Brigitte Lin, as her favorite
actress), and Fong Sai Yuk I & II (as Jet Li’s character’s beloved
Ting Ting).
Though she had to some degree acquired an Idol
image, she played a professional killer in both Black Morning Glory and
The Other Side of the Sea. In 1995, she made her bravest film choice departing
dramatically from her clean cut image in Fallen Angels. In this film she
plays an agent to a killer and allows herself to be filmed at odd angles,
in peculiar colors and often looking as if she was on a one week drinking
binge. She also has two scenes (likely shocking to many of her fans) in
which she pleasures herself. By doing this Michelle truly declared that
she was an actress – not just a cutie pie on celluloid – and it is perhaps
her very best performance.
Afterwards though her film output fell dramatically
– only 8 films over the next 5 years – and most of them were not particularly
terrific films and her characters were not very challenging - Young and
Dangerous IV, Prince Charming, When I Fall in Love with Both (though she
is the best thing in the film), Armageddon and July 13th. She did
appear in the Stanley Kwan film, The Island Tales, but it was Kwan’s worst
film in years, maybe ever.
Interestingly, she was chosen by the artistic
Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao Hsien to be one of the characters in Flowers
of Shanghai (1998). Her arrogant and restrained performance was my favorite
among a cast of terrific actors. With three films in 2000, hopefully it
is a sign that she is planning on stepping up her film production – and
as she shows in Healing Hands (2000) she is still a stunner.

Michelle Saram/Michelle Mok Nga Lun
Born in 1975
This young actress/model recently came to Hong
Kong from Singapore and was quickly cast in two high profile films. She
has an Indian father and Chinese mother and after graduating from primary
school she went on to study at the Nanyang Technology University.
In 1997 she came to work in Hong Kong as a
model with no Chinese language skills – but still managed to become a hot
model and get a TV commercial with Aaron Kwok. This led her to getting
a spot in the TVB series Threshold of an Era – and then in 1999 she was
in the Wilson Yip film Bullets Over Summer as Louis Koo’s sister and in
2000 starred in Skyline Cruisers.

Michelle Wong Man
Feel 100% (Eric Kot’s girlfriend), Hu-Du-Men,
July 13th, F**** Off (1998), Legendary Heroes (1999).

Michelle Yeoh Choo Kheng/Michelle Khan/Michelle
Kheng/Yeung Chi King
Born 08/06/62 in Ipoh, Malaysia
Reading Jane Ding’s biography (link below),
I was surprised to find out that Michelle is only 5’4’’ and 98 pounds.
98 pounds – I have dirty laundry bags that weigh more. It hardly seems
big enough. On the screen she seems so much larger. Clearly it isn’t her
physical size that creates this impression – it is the incredible confidence
and inner force that naturally flows from this woman that does it. Rarely,
have I seen an actress so dominate the screen when she is on it – her strong
presence simply fills it up and owns it.
Take for example the film Moonlight Express made
in 1999. As a favor to a friend, Michelle appeared in this film for some
ten to fifteen minutes - for free, and really doesn’t have much to do –
but as soon as Michelle appears the film takes on weight and her quiet
presence makes everyone else seem to disappear. A few winsome looks later
and her part is over – and the film moves on, but you are left wanting
to know more about that character, wanting to stay with her – not the ones
you are following.
She always looks to be in total control – not
just physically with a grace and co-ordination perhaps unmatched ever on
the screen – but emotionally as well. This is a woman who needs to be challenged
– needs to constantly push herself – and is rightfully extremely proud
of what she has accomplished – and this serious attitude has marked her
career and it is reflected in her film performances.
Like many Hong Kong actresses, Michelle was
discovered after winning a beauty contest (Miss Malaysia -- something her
mother entered her for without the daughter, then at university in England,
knowing about it until she had made the preliminary cut and into the semifinals
-- in 1983 at the age of 21) and invited to Hong Kong to try her luck (The
story goes that casually hearing the people in charge of casting for some
luxury watch commercials lamenting their needing a fresh good-looking face,
a friend of theirs and Michelle’s told them that she knew of just the person
they were looking for and -- as luck would have it -- happened to have
Michelle’s photo in her handbag...). After a couple of them (one each with
Jackie Chan and Chow Yun-Fat) and a non-action role in Owl vs. Dumbo in
1984, she could likely have settled for a reasonably successful acting
career with her wholesome beauty by doing many more flower vase roles –
but anyone could do that! She wanted more – and the opportunity came from
her friend Sammo Hung.

Sammo had recently formed a film company (D&B)
along with the wealthy entrepreneur Dickson Poon and they were looking
for a breakout film. Action heroines were of course a tradition in Hong
Kong film – going back to the beginning of film in HK – but truly taking
off in the 1960’s and 70’s with stars like Cheng Pei Pei, Polly Shang Kwan
Lin Fong, Angela Mao, Judy Lee and Kara Hui Ying Hung. These women were
astonishing – but most of their films were of the kung fu variety and with
the passing of that era most of them were retiring. This was a new action
era – the action felt faster and more immediate – and Sammo wanted to make
a modern day female action film – not kung fu – but women with guns and
attitude. He spotted an American, martial arts champion, Cynthia Rothrock,
giving a kung fu demonstration on TV and made her an offer – but he wanted
to make this film, Yes Madam, a female buddy film and so he needed one
more actress.
He thought back on the lovely Malaysian actress
who had co-starred with him in Owl vs. Dumbo – she had no martial arts
training – but had a strong background in dance (and thus had the requisite
flexibility and suppleness that would be of help) – and so he thought why
not – we can always use doubles for the more difficult action scenes. So
Cynthia would do her action scenes and Michelle would watch hers being
done by men – I don’t think so thought Michelle – if they can do it why
can’t I? Sammo was a bit skeptical – but allowed her to train with his
stunt team – Lam Ching-ying in particular – and Michelle went through training
in hell to get ready for the film – but does it ever show in this film.
From the opening scene in which she runs down a car of thieves – Michelle
burns across the screen – she is amazing (as is Cynthia) and it is obvious
soon into the film that a star had been born (Though she didn’t win a HKFA
award, she did get nominated for Best New Performer for this performance).
The balcony scene in which Michelle does a backward flip over the railing
– then comes crashing head first through the glass pane and grabs two guys
and throws them over the railing is astonishing. This is a ballet dancer?
This is a beauty queen?
From this fabulous moment on Michelle became
the Goddess of action films in Hong Kong – and that means the world. As
good as Michelle is in Yes Madam, the film suffers from way too much time
being spent on a corny subplot - and you groan every time the film’s
focus shifts away from the two women – but her next film, Royal Warriors
(aka In the Line of Duty I), is absolutely terrific and even more physically
demanding. Just check her final gut wrenching and exhausting fight against
Pai Ying to see how incredibly tough and durable this woman is.
In 1987, she made two more films – Magnificent
Warriors (an enjoyable stab at a female Indiana Jones character) and the
fairly weak Easy Money that is a remake of the Thomas Crowne Affair. At
the time Michelle was hurting from various injuries and Easy Money was
almost like giving her time off for good behavior. But then dreadful news
came to her film fans – Michelle marries Dickson Poon in 1988 and he asks
her to retire. Understandably, he didn’t want to see his wife risking life
and limb – but what a shame. One shouldn’t say thank god for unhappy marriages,
but – well what the hell – thank goodness this one didn’t work out!
Still one can’t help but wonder what terrific films she might have made
during those three years of retirement.
When she came back though she did it with a bang
– somehow looking leaner and tougher and more beautiful than ever. She
had lost her baby fat – and had acquired a very grown up sophisticated
manner about her. And she was ready to rock. Her choice for her comeback
was the Jackie Chan film – Police Story III. Jackie has made clear a few
times that he doesn’t think that women should do action films – in fact
Jackie tends not to give women very good roles in his films period, but
Michelle trusted the director, Stanley Tong (the action choreographer of
Magnificent Warriors and a friend of hers), to make her look good. But
did she still have it after three years of the soft life? In the film that
question is resolved fairly early on as Michelle performs some stunning
mid air kicks to take out a number of foes. Oh ya – the Goddess of Action
was back and kicking! Perhaps more than Jackie had envisioned – as she
clambers and rides on top of a speeding van while being shot at – tumbles
off onto a car and the road – and later motorcycles on to a moving train
(though never having ridden a motorcycle before this film) – and basically
makes you think this is her movie. This gets us back to my early point
– Michelle owns the screen when she is on it – it doesn’t matter if her
co-star is Jackie or Jet or Chow Yun Fat.
Over the next couple of years, Hong Kong went
on a binge of great films – and Michelle was in her share of them. Tai
Chi Master in 1993, the corny but totally wonderful The Heroic Trio, the
underrated Project S, the imaginative Wuxia film Butterfly and Sword and
Wing Chun in 1994. Parts of Wing Chun are totally sublime – Michelle
is grace personified in her movement and action choreography – the tofu
scene never fails to leave me in a state of gasping amazement - a few minutes
of complete perfection on celluloid.
After 1994 the Hong Kong film scene began to implode
– too much product – too few money making films – and audiences had tired
of the action and fantasy films and were staying away in droves. On everyone’s
mind was also the Handover that was to take place in a few years. Michelle
got an opportunity to finally act in a dramatic film – Ah Kam directed
by Ann Hui – and though Michelle is quite good in it the film lacks energy.
Ironically, it is in this primarily dramatic film in which Michelle nearly
lost her life performing a stunt. Although her role is but a secondary
one, Michelle further showed her acting chops - and garnered a HKFA Best
Supporting Actress nomination for her dramatic performance - in The Soong
With films in HK on the downward slide – Michelle
– who speaks perfect English – started looking towards the West to see
if there were any opportunities for a female action star. One would not
naturally think so – the West generally has the same mindset as Jackie
Chan – women should leave the action to the guys – but another Bond film,
Tomorrow Never Dies, was being made – and an offer was made to Michelle.
She accepted it under the conditions that she wasn’t going to be a typical
Bond girl – and she definitely isn’t as she gets completely involved in
the action. To a large part of the world, this was their introduction to
Michelle Yeoh – and lots of people came out of that film saying “just who
was that woman?” – this time Michelle had even blown James Bond off the
screen! Her action in it is of course pretty basic stuff for Michelle –
she has done so much more interesting action choreography in her HK films
– but it looked good to American audiences – and I have to say Michelle
looked lovelier and more elegant in this film than in any of her HK films.
And then Hollywood hell. Projects were offered,
disappeared – rumors thrown about (one which has recently resurfaced concerns
her involvement in Indiana Jones IV) – but it became clear after some two
years of nothing happening that Hollywood really had no idea what to do
with an Asian action actress. She didn’t fit the right demographics that
Hollywood always looks for – and I started having nightmares that Michelle
would end up in some awful low budget action film - but a Taiwanese
director named Ang Lee who had had some success making films in America
– wanted to make a film like the movies of his childhood memories. A film
full of heroic and gallant warriors – flying and fighting through the air
– based on a Wuxia novel – and having strong female characters. One of
these female characters (Yu Shu Lien) is an older world-weary warrior –
wanting at this point in her life only to settle down with the man she
secretly loves. No one else on earth but Michelle could have played this
demanding role. For the most part, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has received
worldwide adulation – but it is without a doubt Michelle’s performance
that is the heart of this film – and in a few splendid action sequences
she shows the world just how incredible she still is.
I had only planned on writing a few paragraphs
on Michelle and directing you to the website of one of her biggest fans
– but I got carried away. Michelle has that effect on me – but still for
much more information and some wonderful pictures of Michelle as a child
– please check out Jane’s great site.

Michiko Nishiwaki
Though this Japanese beauty appeared in only
a few top quality films, the images of her from two small roles – as the
Yakuza tattoo covered gambler in God of Gamblers and her kimono muscle
bound appearance in My Lucky Star - are two of the more enduring ones in
HK film - and make her someone you don’t forget. Rarely has any woman
combined strength and sexuality the way that Michiko does. Her stunning
looks and the seething sexuality that lies right beneath the surface made
her a fan favorite in the “girls with guns” genre in the 80s and early
Some of her better films are: In the Line of Duty
III, Magic Cop, Hero Dream, Angel Terminators, Princess Madam, Avenging
Quartet and Passionate Killing in the Dream. In all but the last one Michiko
plays the villain – something that she could do with a wonderfully arrogant
cold sneer. She did get to play the heroine in a number of films, but those
characters rarely had the same sizzle as did her villains.
A friend wrote up a large profile of her career
that is on this site – so rather than me saying any more about Michiko
– click on this link
to read lots more about this intriguing femme fatale.
Miki Lee Ting-yee
Born 09/18/77
This cutie was Jackie’s girlfriend in Mr. Nice
Guy (unfortunately looking much too young for him).
She has also appeared in Red Rain, Eternal
Love and City of Angels (2000).

Mimi Chu Mi-mi
Stephen Chow's mother in Flirting Scholar,
the "mother" in Sexy and Dangerous, the maid in Justice My Foot, Ekin's
mother in Mean Street Story, Gigi Lai's mother in To Live and Die in Tsimsatsui
and Anita Yuen's mom in Whatever You Want.

Miriam Yeung Chin-wah
Born on 02/03/74 in Hong Kong
Over the past couple of years, few Hong Kong
actors have shown more box office appeal than Miriam – and to many this
is something of a mystery. First, she achieved success as a Cantopop singer
after entering a contest in 1995 and signing with the Capital Artist label.
Though she was in a few films in 1998 (Rumble Ages and The Group), none
of them made much of an impact. It wasn’t until after a three-year film
hiatus that she had a major film breakthrough. Her underdog less than glamourous
characters who overcome obstacles in both the workplace and in love seem
to hit both a comedic and sympathetic note in Hong Kong film goers.
Some have accused her - maybe unfairly? – of modeling
her screen persona after Sammi Cheng (certainly not a bad model!) by starring
in a spate of romantic comedies (that often have involved her collaborating
with producer-director Joe Ma). Like Sammi she often plays a slightly dithering
but adorable woman looking for love and always finding it. She also seems
to these ears to mumble like Sammi does and often goes for the same shade
of red hair.
Her first Joe Ma collaboration was 2001’s Feel
100% II (of which the first film in that series had starred Sammi) and
then hit box office gold with Dummy Mommy Without a Baby). As a workingwoman
who pretends to be pregnant in order to save her job and also manages to
snag the wealthy boss, she created an appealing character that women identified
with in Hong Kong. She followed up this hit with the popular Love Undercover
and Dry Wood Fierce Fire in which she was again the amiable single woman
overcoming obstacles to win her man and pursue her career goals.
In 2003, she continued to show her ability to pull in crowds with her appearances
in the Chinese New Year offering, My Lucky Star, and the summer opening
Love Undercover 2.

Miu Kiu Wai
This fellow began his film career in the early
80’s with Centipede Horror, but got a nice break when he replaced Charlie
Chin in the Lucky Stars series for the film Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
in 1985. Over the next decade he was in many good if slightly “B” films
that tended to be comic or action oriented.
Some of his best are Scared Stiff as the fellow
in the coma, News Attack, Return of the Lucky Stars, Burning Ambition,
Fatal Termination, Outlaw Brothers, The Tigers, Magic Cop (one of the two
cops) and How to Meet the Lucky Stars in 1996.
Mondi Yau Yuet-ching
She was Simon Yam’s main customer in Friday
Gigolo, the female vampire in Romance of the Vampires, the villainess in
Ghost Punting who mixes it up with Elaine Lui, Pretty Woman and My Neighbors
are Phantoms.

Here is some information and a picture derives
from Sanney's Entertainment site
regarding this actress:
Former CAT-III actress and Miss Asia 1987 Mondi
Yau Yuet-Ching (right) was sued yesterday by a financial company for an
outstanding debt of HK$2.64 million. Contacted by reporters
yesterday, Yau said that she was not sure exactly what was going on but
that she has handed the matter over to her lawyer and is confident that
it will be resolved shortly. These days, Yau is making her living by making
stage appearances and television serials in the

Money Lo Man-yee
This fairly normal looking woman has shown
up in a few horror films - Red to Kill (the social worker), Daughter of
Darkness, Brother of Darkness, July 13th and Web of Deception (1997). She
has now retired from acting to pursue a law degree and legal career!

Monica Chan Fat Yung
After winning the Miss Hong Kong contest in
1989, Monica settled into a very successful career at TVB. One of her biggest
hits was My Days in Perth in which she starred with Jacky Cheung. Before
becoming Miss Hong Kong, she had studied fashion design at university.
She has shown up in a number of films though generally
in small but thoughtful roles –often playing the wife or girlfriend. She
always comes across very well and one wonders why she seems to be relegated
to supporting roles. Some of her films – Full Alert (Lau Ching-wan’s wife),
My Name is Nobody (Wong Jing’s girlfriend), Double Tap (Alex Fong’s wife),
Those Were the Days (one of the old-time actresses), Option Zero, Casino
Raiders II (the girlfriend from America), Perfect Girls (the cop), Love
and Sex of Eastern Hollywood (the lesbian) and God of Gamblers II.

Moon Lee Choi-fong
Born on 02/14/65 in Hong Kong
The term “cute as a bug in a rug” must have
been created for Moon Lee. She is just drop dead adorable and one of the
least likely action stars that one could imagine. That is part of the reason
why she has attracted a legion of fanatic fanboys in the West. Unlike Michelle
Yeoh who looks to be much bigger on the screen than she really is, Moon
looks just as small as she really is. Looking at her being dwarfed at times
by her fellow actors, one almost feels as if they could pick Moon up and
put her in your hip pocket – something no doubt a few of us have thought
It isn’t just her diminutive stature, sweet personality
and honey pie looks that has made her so popular though – it is what she
does on the screen. She simply amazes. She is wonderfully athletic and
graceful – due to her dance background – but it is the ferociousness, determination
and the “never surrender” attitude that she brings to her roles that simply
capture your heart. In her fights she often gets as good as she gives and
by the end of the film she is often battered and bruised – but never beaten.
Watching Moon give it everything she has is one of the great pleasures
of Hong Kong film.
After she finished school, Moon joined the RTV
television studio – making her debut in a series called Affection on Earth
– and went on to appear in a number of series for them during the early
80s. Her film debut took place in 1981 in the lightweight comedy To Sir
with Love. She has a good supporting role – and she looks great and has
one hilarious scene in which she teaches a fellow student how to be sexy.
Two years later in 1983 came her first significant
role – in one of the most important films in HK history – Zu: Warriors
of the Magic Mountain. Here Moon is one of Brigitte Lin’s female guards
– and goes on with Yuen Biao and Mang Hoi to battle the evil that was loose
in the world. Though she isn’t really involved in a lot of action – her
by turns fierce and sweet demeanor was a hint of things to come. Just as
important to her career was becoming friends with Yuen Biao and Sammo Hung.
Over the next few years she was to team up with Yuen a few times.
She continued doing television and started doing
action scenes on a regular basis in the series - Drunken Fist Boxing. In
1983 she co-starred with Yuen in The Champions – but her role was non-action
and she also had very small cameos in three films that Yuen was involved
in – Winners and Sinners (where she tries to break up a fight between Yuen
and Jackie), Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars and Those Merry Souls. In 1985
though she had roles in two important films that boosted her career – the
Jackie Chan vehicle The Protector and the classic Sammo produced film,
Mr. Vampire. The following year, she teamed up again with Yuen for the
sequel to Mr. Vampire. Again though, in none of these does she really get
involved in the action – her profile up to then was basically as the cute
chirpy girlfriend type with a bit of a comical attitude.
Then came Angel in 1988. A few years earlier,
Michelle Yeoh had starred in the action film Yes Madam (1985) – and followed
that up with Royal Warriors (1986) and Magnificent Warriors (1986). These
films had brought the female action film into the modern age – but they
didn’t spawn a genre – Angel did – with this film the “Girls with Guns”
genre was born. The “Girls with Guns” has its fans and its detractors –
but there is really nothing like it anywhere else in world cinema. Sure
the budgets tended to be small – the plots often substandard – but the
actresses in this genre are astonishing and the action is fast, furious
and deliriously fun. Seeing women – whether playing the heroine or the
villainess – standing toe to toe with men and depending only on their physical
abilities to defeat them is a thrill. Many of these action scenes are the
equal of any in HK film – and only their regretfully small budgets consigned
them to a “B” film status.
Angel was a smash hit – and Moon along with her
co-star Yukari Oshima were on their way to becoming action stars. As mentioned
earlier, Moon had trained in ballet and modern dance – but had also studied
kung fu upon becoming an actress under Tsui Siu Ming. So thankfully she
was chosen to be one of Charlie’s Angels in this film and her fight scenes
are fabulous and brutal – in particular the last one against Yukari. Before
making Angel II, Moon made one more non-action film (her last one) – Midnight
Whispers in which she plays a young girl reunited with her mother – but
problems tear them apart. Moon still looks to be sixteen in this film –
and gives a good accounting of herself – as a not particularly nice person.
She has stated that she wished she had done more dramatic films – but that
was not to be – her course as a femme fatale action queen was set.
Over the next six years Moon was to appear in
approximately twenty five action films – some classics – some not very
good – taking a lot of physical punishment and performing some seriously
dangerous stunts. In Devil’s Hunters, an explosion was poorly planned and
Moon had to spend a fair amount of time in the hospital. If anyone were
to watch Fatal Termination – and the famous scene of Moon trying to rescue
her daughter (who is being hung out the car window of a speeding car!)
– and watch her jump on the windshield and hang on for dear life – knows
what guts she has.
Here are some of my other favorite Moon films
– Angel 2, Killer Angels (in which she gets to sing and dress up like Sheila
Easton as well as kick a lot of butt), Princess Madam (goes up against
the deadly Michiko Nishawaki), Nocturnal Demon (some great action but very
funny as well), Dreaming the Reality (plays a trained killer gone good),
Bury Me High (directed by her kung fu mentor Tsui Siu Ming), Kickboxers
Tears (one of her more brutal fights against Yukari), Yes Madam 92: A Serious
Shock (the only time Moon plays the villain – and damn is she chillingly
evil) and Angel Terminators II.
By 1993 the “Girls with Guns” genre was played
out (the box office results in Hong Kong for many of these films was very
low and many of these films are much better loved in the West than at home
in HK) – the budgets were getting even smaller – often being filmed in
the Philippines – and Moon basically walked away from it. She was so typecast
by now that it was impossible for her to get other more dramatic roles.
Her last film was in 1995 – more a film focused on kung fu children than
on Moon – called Little Heroes Lost in China. Moon went back to her first
love – dance – she teaches it – and has occasionally been in a TV series.
A recent one that I read about is Chinese Hero that was produced in Taiwan
and also starred Chiu Man Cheuk, Gordon Lui and Kurata Yasuaki. At least
to me – Moon is special - one of a kind – and it is the kind of determination
and toughness that she and other HK actors bring to their roles that is
part of the reason that I love HK films so much.
Moon got married in December 2001 and has apparently
moved to Colorado with her husband.

Moses Chan Ho
Moses started out in some UFO productions in
the 90s – Twenty Something, Heaven Can’t Wait and Happy Hour – but it was
his performance as Ironhead in Tsui Hark’s masterpiece The Blade that put
him on the map.
Oddly though, this film didn’t really seem to
boost his career as much as one might think. Since then he has appeared
primarily in supporting roles – Intruder (Wu Chien Lien’s husband), Legend
of Speed (Simon Yam’s main bad guy), Purple Storm (one of the cops), The
Mistress (the boyfriend), Gen X Cops (the nasty cop) and Violent Cop (the
injured cop).
Caroline Chai has sent in some information
on his TV career:
I thought it might interest you to know that
Moses Chan Ho has found the success that has eluded him for so long on
the big screen at TVB. Last year he was the second male lead in the
historical drama Lok Sun (Where the Legend Begins - Ada Choi, Steven Ma,
Lau Dan) and the male lead in Family Man (Paul Chun Pui, Flora Chan, Jay
Lau Kam Ling) and was very well received by audiences in both series.
He picked up the Most Favourite Improvement Actor Award from TVB for his
role as Cao Pi in Lok Sun at the 35th TVB Anniversary last year and was
labeled "Si Lai" Killer (housewife killer) after his role in Family Man
wowed audiences in HK. He is now considered one of TVB's top leading
men. Also, I remember reading somewhere that Moses Chan did some
corrective surgery on his vocal cords or something like that. Apparently,
his original speaking voice is kind of wierd and I think that if you watch
him in one of his older films (I saw him again in Lost and Found and found
this to be true), his voice is really quite hard to listen to. Moses
Chan was advised to correct this and he did and I remember him attributing
some of his current success to this.
Mui Siu-wai
This amusing comedienne was very popular in
the early 90s and had some nice comic roles in films. The few things I
have seen her in have made me very much appreciate her slightly ditzy persona.
Some of these films are Pretty Ghost (the ping
pong playing secretary), When Fortune Smiles (Anthony Wong’s mistress),
Perfect Girls (the cousin), Look Out Officer, My Neighbors are Phantoms,
No Risk No Gain.
Since the mid-90s her film roles have been
scarce - but she has appeared in a number of TV shows. Here is some information
that Caroline Chai sent to me regarding her TV career:
Mui Siu-wai is well known in TV but she's not
exactly popular because she's not your typical beauty pageant contestant
type that thrives in HK television. However, people do recognise
her and do enjoy watching her. She rarely plays the first female lead and
if she does it's probably because it's an ensemble cast. She does,
however, get fairly meaty roles, mostly second leads. She is generally
cast in comedies and usually as fairly jolly, good-natured characters...
her segment was the best thing about Working Women, her other series include
When Dreams Come True and A Matter of Business.