Hua Shan
Year: 1981
Rating: 6.5
The next time you are in the mood for a kung fu zombie vampire ghost comedy
this might be the film for you. Hong Kong actually has a few that sort of
fall into this field - Encounters of the Spooky Kind, The Dead and Deadly
and some of those Mr. Vampire films - but none of them come close to the idiocy
of this one. This is like The Three Stooges Meet Abbot and Costello and there
is a whole lot of goofy running around with monsters chasing them. At least
that feels like a lot of the movie but now and then it slows down for some
real martial arts and it's darn good. Especially the two fights between Billy
Chong and Korean kicking specialist Kwan Yung-moon. Their fights are brutal
and smack-a-doodle nuts. These are two legit martial artists who bring it
on and for those ten to twenty minutes this is great.