The Essential Guide to Hong Kong Movies
by Rick Baker & Toby Russell
    Eastern Heroes Publications
Paperback - 315 pages - $30

This publication from the UK consists of over 300 pages of one to two paragraph reviews with a 1-4 grading system. The categories are segmented by Kung Fu/Swordplay, Modern Day Action, Heroic Bloodshed and Erotic/Fantasy/Horror.

As with most books of this type, there are many reviews that I agree with and others that I certainly don't. How could they call Kickboxer’s Tears with Moon Lee a "vile offering" or Wing Chun “mediocre” while calling a film like Island of Fire “A real HK winner”?

Still, a valuable resource as it covers many films that do not get a lot of attention. I have noticed that in some instances the titles of films and the names of the actors in the UK are different than those in the U.S.