Asian Pop Cinema - Bombay to Tokyo
 By Lee Server
129 Pages
Soft cover
Chronicle Books

This is an interesting, well written overview of Asian cinema. Server covers all the major film industries such as Hong Kong, Tokyo and Bombay, but he also takes the time to stop off in Korea, Taiwan, China and the Philippines to discuss their films.

All of this though is covered in less than 130 pages and thus there is no real opportunity for an in depth exploration of the films of any of these countries. Primarily, the top names and films are touched on. For those with a particular knowledge of a specific Asian market, it is unlikely that anything here will be new to you regarding that market, but the value here is for those markets that are unfamiliar to you.

For me, I was particularly interested in the Korean section and the section on the Philippines made me a bit curious about some of those films.

He conducts a few interviews as well - the one with John Woo was quite good. He also focuses in a bit on the two Japanese directors Seijun Suzuki and Beat Takeshi.

A very general, but welcome addition to the books on Asian cinema.