The Magster, beloved by so many filmgoers for the energy and joy and dazzling looks that she brings to the screen. Sometimes she can look sweet and goofy; other times as elegant and stylish as a martini.

Brought up in England, she came to HK for a beauty contest and found fame and fortune. For her first number of years, she appeared in dozens of films usually playing an innocent slightly muddled but almost always adorable character. As Jackie Chan's girlfriend in the first three Police Stories, she gained much fame, but in other roles as in The Actress and Song of Exile she slowly and quietly became the best actress in HK in my opinion. She has that  thing called "magic" up on the big screen. She connects with the audience and whether it be comedy or drama somehow she makes the filmgoers care about her character.

Perhaps, she has waved farewell to HK and is now seeking other challenges abroad. I certainly can't fault her for that, but I will very much miss watching her pout and her grin and her slightly crooked face in HK films.

Some Maggie Cheung non-movie pictures

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