The Killer's Game

Director: J.J. Perry
Year: 2024
Rating: 7.0

If you think of two movies over the past 20-or so -years that influenced action films more than any other two, I will posit John Wick and Pulp Fiction. The style of Tarantino and the high-wheeling body count of Wick. Combine them and what do you have? The Killer's Game. Clearly not as popular or as good as either of those two films, but bonus points for trying. If you are going to borrow, borrow from the best. And add some dark gory humor. It takes a while before you begin to realize that this is a comedy of sorts with a whole lot of dead bodies. It initially looks to be just another I want to get out of the hitman business film of which there must be hundreds out there. And then it gets screwy and a bit hilarious. I expect many people with much better taste than I have would disagree. This is not a film for those with refined taste.


Bautista is a hitman. One of the best. He is proud of his work and proud that he only accepts hits on people who deserve it. It helps him sleep at night.  He takes out a scummy Russian at the ballet that gets out of control and causes a riot. One of the ballerinas falls down and he picks her up and takes her outside. She is grateful and impressed by his size and lack of charm and begins to date him. Maize is played by one of my recent favorites, Sofia Boutella (Rebel Moon, The Mummy). There is an amusing montage of him dating her and killing people. Meet cute. Then the doctor tells him he has three months to live. Shit. Just as he finds love. Isn't that always the way.


He asks his agent (Ben Kingsley - who will take any role it seems these days) to hire someone to kill him so that his life insurance will go to Maize. He refuses. Another agent (Pom Klementieff) is only too happy to fill his order. And the fun begins. We enter into John Wick territory of assassins who all know each other and have rules to follow. The Korean gang with the two cute killer girls are wonderful as are the two motorcycle brothers. Then he changes his mind - cancel the order - sorry too late and assassins from all over Europe come after him. Two Scottish brothers (Scott Adkins is one), two beautiful females equally comfortable with knives and explosives, a Flamenco dancer who listens to Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by Santa Esmerelda as he kills (also used in Kill Bill) and mercenaries.  Explaining all this to Maize is a bit complicated but she is a good sport. Very gory at times but in a funny way. If having your head blown off can be funny.


I think I am on the verge of becoming a fan of Dave Bautista even though I didn't realize till recently that he was Drax in all those Marvel movies - where he plays a tree or something like that. He can't act a lick, but he is so much fun to watch. Built like a massive barrel covered in tattoos with pointy ears and a smallish alien shaped head, he takes up so much space on the screen. Smiling is not his forte. But what I like best of all about him is that during the election season, he came out strongly against Trump. Wow. A white-non-toxic male. Who would have thought? Probably on Trump's enemy list now.