Zero Tolerance
Director: Wych Kaosayananda
Rating: 5.0

Welcome to Thailand! Where you can visit splendid golden temples and take a long-tailed boat up the Chao Phraya River during the day time and go to a luxurious sex club with naked girls covered in glitter neon paint at night time where they will visit you in comfy rooms. Not to mention kill people with no repercussions any time of the day. There was and may still be a legendary foreigner in Thailand who was once a debt collector and enforcer back in his home country. When he had enough money socked away, he moved to a beach town here. Everybody knew him by his huge tattooed physique as he walked along the beach and made room for him. In an interview on the balcony of the 20th floor of his condo, he was asked what he liked about living in Thailand, he responded "Because I could pick you up, toss you over the rail and it would cost me about $1,000 to the police for it to be changed to an unfortunate accident."  I believe the interview ended shortly afterwards. I have a friend who lives in the same building. He says the fellow is quite polite. This is or was no exaggeration. I love the story of the time they found a fellow in one of the canals without a head and ruled it suicide. No joke. Hitmen can be hired for a few hundred dollars. But nevertheless, I love living here and you never know when you will need the services of a hitman.

This film falls into the sub-genre of Daughter Revenge - which I still put above Dog Revenge. A female body is fished out of the river and the Captain of Police Peter (Sahajak Boonthanakit) goes to Vietnam to tell his old friend Johnny (Dustin Nguyen) that his daughter is dead, murdered. Images of a young girl with balloons float through his brain. He hasn't seen his daughter Angel in years but he does what a father has to do. Kill everyone. This has an I.Q. of about 20 but it is fun following the cop and the killer around Bangkok with some great location shooting as they try to track down the murderer of Angel.

Johnny is not the most subtle of guys. He asks people do you know my daughter Angel, if they answer yes, he kills them. She was a party girl. For money. The exasperated Peter tells him, you have been here less than a day and you have already killed 12 people. Cool it. He does until he goes into the sex club and kills everyone. For no particular reason. Just because. The action scenes are not well-staged - point the gun, fire and some poor extra falls down. I read that the original film was not up to expectations and so they went out and hired Scott Adkins and Gary Daniels to add a few scenes. They are quite peripheral to the plot but then you could say that about almost everything. Adkins does have three short action scenes but Daniels gets little to do. Adkins though was all over the publicity like a bad smell. I am giving this a 5.0 for the scenes of Thailand - there must be 100 shots overhead of the city as well as visits to the old Hua Lamphong train station, the river, Patpong and other areas. If you can't afford a trip to Bangkok, just watch this film. If you do come, sorry, I have no idea where that sex club is.