So That's Who It Was 
Director: John English
Rating: NR

Anna May Wong has a large role in this Darren McGavin episode of Mike Hammer. Keye Luke has a small role. These McGavin Hmmer tv shows are pretty solid. Shot in black and white and only 30 minutes long. In this one Hammer is stopped in Chinatown by a down and out tramp who knows Hammer. He gives Hammer a tie and gets $5 in return. Later in the week the man is found dead on the streets of Chinatown and Hammer feels the need to investigate. It leads him into a few beatings that he gives as good as he gets and to Madame Chu, played by Anna May Wong. At the end of line, he realizes it was the $5 he gave that kickstarted the events.

Wonge is the widow of a dead man who was killed two nights before in the same spot as the beggar was found. Keye Luke runs a fantan gambling room.  She was 53 years old at the time and for most purposes had retired during WWII to help the Chinese war effort. Every now and then she appeared in an episode of a TV show. She was to die three years later of a heart attack.
This is up on YouTube.