Jungle Jim - Pygmy Island

Director: William Berke
Year: 1950
Rating: 4.5

No doubt you have heard about the famous tribe of White Pygmy people in Africa. The Munchkins apparently escaped from the Land of Oz and made their way south deep into the jungle to escape the Wicked Witch. They now find themselves caught in the middle of the Cold War but thankfully ally themselves with America in their wish to be Good Neighbors. Their ropes made from some indigenous plant is practically indestructible and may have greatly contributed to the breakup of the Soviet Union and their defeat in Afghanistan.  We salute them.


An army captain has heard of the plants and gone looking for them and disappeared. It must have been a slow news week because every newspaper headlined it and the Pentagon is worried. Fortunately, Jungle Jim is wandering around chasing after his chimp and comes across the captain's dog tags and a dead pygmy. I was a little annoyed that he felt it necessary to kill a crocodile to save a dead pygmy. Come on. Crocodiles have to eat too. Any way, the army sends over a squad of soldiers who do absolutely nothing of value. The Russkies also have sent men headed by Marko, as evil a name as you can find in the phone book. He is played by Steven Geray who shows up in tons of films playing Eastern Europeans. That is because he grew up in Hungary - did Hitler and Mussolini impersonations on the stage - got beat up for it - and decided to go to England.  Now he is in a Jungle Jim film. Better to be impersonating Hitler.


Jim learns to his great shock that the captain is a she. "Did you say she" he asks incredulously. Not only a she but one played by Ann Savage who played a bunch of hard-bitten tough blondes. I thought maybe this time Jim was finally going to get it on with a female - with a name like Savage it would be perfect. Nope. As I said the army is useless so it is up to Jim and his Pygmy friends to stop the Commies. I thought this was slightly better than most of the Jungle Jim films I have seen - silly as a cow with a party hat on but there is always something happening - even a shot of one of the Pygmies going from vine to vine to vine - shown four times because who can remember the same shot from ten minutes ago. Among the Pygmies are the famous Billy Curtis, Billy Barty, Angelo Rossitto and of course Steve Calvert played the Gorilla.