Showdown in Little Tokyo   


Director: Mark Lester
Year: 1991
Rating: 7.0

Let's get to the important things first. Topless girls Sumo wrestling. Topless girls at a pool party. Topless girls having sushi eaten off of them. Topless girls in the hot baths. Topless girl in the hot tub. Pretty much topless girls in every nook and cranny that they could find. Say what you want about the Yakuza but they know how to party. And then there was the headless girl as well. Party on. Of course a couple killjoy cops have to come in and break it up. Spoilsports. Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee have their own showdown. Who can have the worst dialogue and be stiffer than a pine box. Pretty much a tie. But we are told by Lee that Lundgren has the biggest dick he has ever seen, so I guess that makes him the winner. Talking about stiff that is. But only Tia Carrere can confirm that for sure after complementing Dolph on his coming. I am reasonably sure this was an adaption of a Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing.


Enough mocking. This is actually a pretty good trashy B action film that fits more action into its 80 minutes than most films can dream about. Which is a good thing because when they are fighting, they can't say much. Like Brandon says after a guy has fallen into a vat of fire  "You have the right to be dead." or  "You know that thing I said about the fish? I can change my mind" after seeing the before mentioned sushi platter. They are out to break up a Yakuza gang in Los Angeles headed by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa who has gotten stuck having to play a lot of nefarious Japanese bad guys. Here he must be one of the top employers in the city - a job creator as the Republicans would put it. Sure they are all killers and scumbags but they contribute. Though you would think that out of all these guys who become target practice that at least one of them could shoot straight. Good help is hard to find. Lundgren can't be that hard to hit.


And speaking of Tia Carrere - oh I wasn't? - well I should have been, She plays this sort of helpless damsel in distress that Tagawa tries to seduce by showing her his beheading of her friend. Probably a bad idea on the first kidnap night. Not really fair to have her so passive - I mean she is the Relic Hunter.  Which would not describe her breasts. They are never getting old. Bullet proof I would have thought. Anyways, there is a lot of solid action, pretty much every cliché a buddy action film could have, seeing Brandon made me feel sad - so much talent. It has a great ending. A sword duel between Dolph and Tagawa right in the middle of a parade in Little Tokyo and not a cop in sight. And the pinwheel was a thing of beauty.