The Wild World of Batwoman   


Director: Arthur Hilton
Year: 1966
Rating: 1.0

One star might be too generous. My desire to see some trashy bad films may have gone too far with this one. I literally feel stupider after watching it all the way through as if brain cells had just jumped ship. I  need to slowly, gingerly walk back to a semblance of a real film with a plot, characterization, production values and coherency. This film had none of that. It makes the Mexican Batwoman film look like a work of flamboyant artistic genius. Why would someone make a film this bad? Where on earth would it play? The local mental asylum? Even they would boo it. It has a large coterie of busty females in it so I kept expecting them to turn it into one of those old-fashioned nudies, but no such luck.

This was produced and directed by a fellow named Jerry Warren. If you see that name on any film, run the other way. He was sort of a bottom of the barrel Roger Corman making independent films with titles like Teenage Zombies, Terror of the Bloodhunters and Man Beast. That was before he began buying foreign films and re-editing them and inserting newly shot dialogue scenes. He was sued by the Bat folks so he changed the title of this one to She Was a Hippy Vampire. The only mention of vampires is in the opening scene in which a few girls are being initiated into the Batwoman cult and they mention being vampires. Shot I would guess just so they could use the new title. It gave me hope though for a few seconds. A bunch of female bat vampires showing cleavage and dancing a lot.

So Batwoman (Katherine Victor who is the only smart one here by never revealing her face) has a group of about ten Bat Girls who supposedly help her but in an early scene they witness a man being robbed and shot and do nothing to intervene. The Girls spend most of their time dancing the frug around a pool or in a club or whenever they are given Happy Pills. Batwoman lives in a house that must be in the Yellow pages as everyone can find it and comes right up to the door and knocks. Or just walks in. The Girls are usually lounging around on the floor in leisure wear showing their ample talents. Batwoman is playing the organ. How could they not make this into a lesbian super hero film? Rat Fink and his huge army of three men are trying to steal a device that will allow them to listen in to any conversation in the world. Batwoman is trying to stop her nemesis but they all drink Happy Soup and dance. I know this description makes it sound great but unless you have brain cells to sacrifice I would stay away. Apparently it was an episode on Mystery Science Theater 3000. That might be worth a gander.