Cleopatra Jones   


Director: Jack Starrett
Year: 1973
Rating: 7.0

Funkadelic delicious. Like entering a time capsule of right-on's, baby's, foxy fashions, honkies and super cool black power. In the middle of all this is 6 feet two inches of kick-ass righteousness in the form of Cleopatra Jones. With her sleek corvette, fur coats, kung fu, fearless take no shit attitude, she rides through this film like a force of nature. It has pretty much everything you would want from a Blaxploitation film of the 1970's - one of the iconic ones. Lots of attitude, jive talking, white racism, shoot outs, car chases, corrupt cops, a female villain right out of white trashville and a soundtrack with a good beat. It was made on a low budget as nearly all the films in the genre were but they have fun with it. The car chase is topnotch, the clothes are pure 70's ghetto style, the pads are sumptuous and it never takes itself seriously.

Cleopatra is played by Tamara Dobson who basically made this film and its sequel and not a lot else. A gift to Blaxploitation. Pam Grier will always be the Queen of Blaxploitation but Dobson does the genre proud.  Grier was rougher, grittier, closer to the ground but she could also be victimized - no one victimizes Cleopatra. Haughty, stylish, playful and sexy, it is hard to take your eyes off her. Not that you would want to. She had been a model appearing in many commercials and knew how to present herself. Her acting could be questioned but in this it is more about attitude and coolness.

It begins with Jones and a few air force planes wiping out a crop of poppies in Turkey. She is a government agent intent on destroying the heroin pipeline that is killing her people back home. This crop belonged to Mommy, a foul mouthed slattern gang leader with an eye and a grab for a pretty girl. Played by Shelly Winters like she was still Ma Barker in her film Bloody Mama. Winters had evolved over the years from being a beauty in her younger days to playing slutty slovenly loud mouthed older women with a maniacal menace. She overdoes it here to the point of caricature as she bosses around her bargain bin bad boys like a barking dog. When she gets into a fight with Jones it is kind of ridiculous. And fun. I wonder who is going to win this one as she huffs and puffs like an overstuffed vacuum cleaner.

Anyway, she sets the cops on some of Jones' friends (Bernie Casey) and that brings her back. Cleopatra Jones is back in town goes out like a beacon. Everyone knows her, everyone loves her - unless you are on the wrong side of her. The plot is B film basic and not all that bright - basically just a reason to showcase Dobson, some action and a few others. Such as Doodlebug played by Antonio Fargas in pure pimp style. Fargas is always great to come across in his roles as pimp, mugger, stool pigeon - and he showed up a in few classics - Shaft, Across 110th Street, Foxy Brown, Car Wash - a great actor limited by his less than handsome looks and race to roles that he was better than. The one good white guy is Dan Frazer as the Captain, basically the same role he played on Kojak for years beginning also in 1973. Tarantino must have had wet dreams about this one as a teenager.

Cleopatra Jones and the Casiono of Gold

Director: Charles Bail
Year: 1975
Rating: 7.5

In this sequel to Cleopatra Jones, they take a lot of the funk from the previous film out of this one. This is apparent immediately when the music kicks in - well not so much kicks as skips in - as instead of a soul beat it sounds like some minor league Burt Bacharach on a bad day. That soundtrack stays with the entire film until the finale when it finally kicks up a few notches. But replacing the funk is a big fat slice of Hong Kong. This was a co-production between Warners and the Shaw Brothers and though the director and script writers were American, the style feels more Shaw than Blaxploitation. In particular the action which is choreographed by the great Tong Kai who teamed up with Lau Kar-leung on so many classic films. Tong Kai teams up with Yuen Cheung-yan (part of the Yuen Clan) this time and though obviously they don't have the martial arts talent they are used to, they do a fine job with what they have. Hell, they even make Stella Stevens look ok. For me this was a lot of fun seeing Hong Kong and trying to spot some HK actors that I am familiar with. When I looked at the credits on HKMDB I realized I had missed a whole bunch of them - no doubt minions of the Dragon Lady.

In this one Cleopatra is assigned to Hong Kong. She has sent two of her friends - the Johnson Brothers who had helped her out in the first film - to go undercover and buy drugs. But the two of them find themselves in the middle of a gang war when Chen (Chan Shen, a well-known bad guy for Shaw) decides to break away from the Dragon Lady and go into business for himself. That doesn't work out so well as he has to go on the run and the Johnson Brothers (Albert Popwell and Caro Kenyatta) get captured by the Dragon Lady. This film trades in Shelley Winters for Stella Stevens - a trade I would take any day.

Cleopatra shows up and teams up with a Hong Kong female detective to look for her friends and bring down the drug gang. The two of them do a lot of male bashing and killing. Her partner Mi Ling Fong is played by another Shaw Brothers regular - Tanny Tien Ni - who I have seen in a ton of films but never as charming and fun as she is here. She does some high kicking but in most of her Shaw films she was usually in dramas or erotic comedies. Another familiar face was the adopted daughter of the Dragon Lady - played by Lin Chen-chi, famous for her role in Tsui Hark's nihilist early film Dangerous Encounter First Kind. The final 20-minutes of the film is a blast and well-done in many ways. The scene with Cleopatra going down the dark alley and fighting off cars and killers is great and then the big bang finale in the casino with some great only in Hong Kong stunts and a whole lot of gun play. Nifty film with a solid budget. Too bad this was the last Cleopatra film.

Some other HK names in the film - Gam Biu the partner who Stella kills, John Cheung her right hand man, Pang Pang the chubby guy who comes on to Stella in the casino. And then in roles I did not catch - Yuen Wah, Yuen Wo-ping, Corey Yuen, Tam Bo, Chui Fat and Mama Hung (mother of Sammo). Hell you could have made a great movie just with these guys, Oh, and I guess I should mention Norman Fell who is Cleopatra's boss in HK.