Alita: Battle Angel
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Year:  2019
Rating: 7.5

So when the film suddenly finishes, I realize that there is at least one more film coming down the pike to complete the story. Maybe more depending on something called the Power of the Box Office. So now I am waiting for the next Avenger's Infinity Wars, the next Star Wars, the next Star Trek, Wonder Woman of course and now this. Hell, I am still waiting for the John Carter sequel. Come on guys, get on the stick! But this was enjoyable enough to want to see the next one. In the end credits I see that this was based on a Japanese manga and it all makes sense. The Japanese and cyber-punk have had a strong bond now for decades. We came late to the party.

Special effects are a two-edged sword for me. Sometimes I just hate how they are overused as in Venom, the second Thor film and the final fight of Black Panther (till then they were spectacular). But in a film like this that is all fantasy, apocalyptic darkness, futuristic, a technical wonderwall and a cyber-heroine, special effects are the life blood of the film. Without them in over kill mode you would have a dull pointless palette. I thought these were great and often wasn't sure what were special effects and what wasn't - especially when it comes to Alita - how much of her is actress Rosa Salazar and how much just pure anime. Because she looks like an anime with the pop up huge eyes, slim body and graceful movements. Whatever she is, it is hard to look elsewhere.

The story itself is kind of old hat - someone - in this case a cyborg with a human brain - realizes they have undiscovered powers and a mission to save the world. It looks from the preview that Captain Marvel will be along this same line. But it is old and familiar because it works more often than not and though the plot is a bit of a jumble there are some great moments of elation. Rosa has a few veterans alongside her - Christoph Waltz, the always beautiful Jennifer Connelly and Mahershala Ali who should be in every film and it often feels like he is. I just hope the ticket sales are good enough to get us to the next one.